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WIT career panel

Watch the Recording

Discover the unconventional career paths of Women in Tech at our panel: How Did I Get Here? 

This session featured stories of resilience, innovation, and determination, highlighting how anyone with a passion for helping others and thinking critically can find their own way into a career in technology.

Watch this inspiring panel session where accomplished women in tech and IT industry shared their unique journeys and the diverse paths they took to achieve success in the industry.

Panelists included: 

  • Patsy Carruthers - Senior Director/UK Online, University of Kentucky
  • Lisa Stoner - VP Pinterest
  • Sharlene Toney - Business Analyst, University Information Technology Services, Indiana University
  • Lisa McFall - Director of Digital Initiatives, Scholarship, and Collaboration, Hamilton College.


Watch & Share Our Video "If I Can Do It, You Can Do It Too"

We asked women across the country to share their stories with us. Watch our short video on how they found their path into tech.

Watch Past Events

  • Celebrating Women in Tech: A Panel Discussion. Read more about our kick-off event here

Watch the recording

  • Leveraging Tech to Amplify Your Brand

 Watch the recording

Who We Are

Welcome to Women in Technology (WIT). Our community brings together talented women from diverse backgrounds who excel in various IT and technology fields. Whether a programmer, data scientist, cybersecurity expert, or working in technology, we celebrate women's contributions and aim to empower future generations. 

We strive to break down barriers, amplify women’s voices, and foster collaboration. Founded by passionate University of Kentucky employees, our group champions making sure women find belonging in tech. All genders are invited to join us as we empower women to thrive, share their expertise, and shape the future of IT!

About Us

Our Mission

Women in Tech

Women in Tech (WIT) at the University of Kentucky is dedicated to advancing and supporting women in technology. 

Our Values

Women in TEch

Members of WIT recognize that women are often underrepresented in information technology and adjacent industries. WIT values structures that support women in their career development and the importance of a workforce with a variety of perspectives. 

Our Goals

K-12 Education

Through educational programming, mentoring programs, and informal networking, WIT members at all levels of their career find new ways to connect, lead, and succeed.