If interested in booking a workshop, a tour or need more information about the Media Depot, please email mediadepotevents@uky.edu.

Student Media Depot @ The Hub
The Student Media Depot @ The Hub is a student digital media space located in the Hub at William T. Young Library. The Media Depot provides; access to recording equipment and space, editing stations with specialized multimedia software, and technical support for students’ development of their academic media projects. The Media Depot is funded by the Student Technology Fee and is a collaboration between the University of Kentucky Information Technology Services (ITS) and UK Libraries and is in support of student's multimodal assignments and creative endeavors.
The Media Depot aims to reduce any technological barriers for students in order to complete multimedia assignments that enhance learning. Faculty are encouraged to collaborate with the Media Depot for projects or assignments, allowing the Media Depot's trained staff to assist with software and equipment as needed.
Contact the Media Depot at 859-323-1105
Rooms for Student Use
Workshops & Tours
Reserve a Room
Before reserving or using a room at the Media Depot, please see What do I need to know before using a room at the Student Media Depot @ The Hub?
"No show" reservations will be canceled after 15 minutes. Please do not schedule more than one room at a time.
The Hub of W.T. Young Library
Read more about other great resources in the basement of W. T. Young Library at What Resources at The Hub Are Available to Students?