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Cybersecurity Web Series

Learn more about cybersecurity best practices through real-life scenarios.

WATCH: Cybersecurity Web Series 

Cybersecurity News

Cybersecurity News

What you need to know about upcoming changes to University of Kentucky retiree accounts

At the University of Kentucky, safeguarding our accounts, data and systems from cyber threats is a top priority. To uphold this commitment, UK ITS is introducing new requirements for retiree accounts. These changes will impact both current retirees and those planning to retire in the future.

It’s Data Privacy Week. Here’s why you should never share your personal information chatbots

Although Artificial Intelligence tools like chatbots are valuable at helping troubleshoot common issues, it’s important to be mindful of the information you share with any AI chatbot. AI tools can be particularly useful when tailoring your resume and job searching, however, experts say you should never input your personal information

Multi-factor authentication required for Zoom starting January 9

Starting January 9, 2025, multi-factor authentication (MFA) via Duo Mobile will be required to log into the University instance of Zoom (

Training & Best Practices

Explore resources below to learn more about cybersecurity.

WATCH & READ: Reporting Phishing in MS Outlook

WATCH: Personally Identifiable Information (PII)

WATCH: Keeping Your Data Safe While Traveling Abroad

Watch the video below to Cybersecurity tips to be aware of while you are traveling abroad. Whether that is before you leave, while on your trip, or when you get home.

WATCH: Keeping Your Data Safe While Traveling Abroad

Types of Threats

Other types of threats can be found at


Phishing can be defined as a cybercrime where one may be contacted by someone posing as a legitimate institution or person to encourage individuals to provide sensitive data such as personally identifiable information (PII), financial information, or passwords. This crime can result in identity theft and financial loss.

How To Respond To or Detect a Spam Email or Phishing Attack

How do I report spam and phishing emails?

How can I determine if the email I received is safe?

Want to receive emails about common phishing attacks seen at UK?

Sign up for our Phishing Newsletter

Job Scams

Many scammers try to trick you with messages to apply for jobs. These can often result in identity theft or loss of money. 

More examples:

See our Top 5 Job Scams: Tips to Recognize and Avoid These Career Traps to learn more. 


Malware, or malicious software, are files or code that are used by attackers to perform malicious behavior on a machine. There are a wide variety of malware attacks which often result in stolen information or money.

How do I find out if my personal computer has a virus?

Cybersecurity Tools Available at UK

Learn more about tools used at UK to protect our University data and systems.

Multi-Factor Authentication

Multi-Factor Authentication adds an extra-layer of protection to your data and personal information! Visit the Tech Help Center for all related information at Multi-Factor Authentication Article listing.

Advanced Threat Protection

Advanced Threat Protection (ATP) protects the University community against malicious content sent to any University email address and content stored in Microsoft 365 by reducing exploits like direct deposit fraud, W2 theft, and ransomware attacks which can be spread globally. 

What is Advanced Threat Protection?

Office 365 Advanced Threat Protection (ATP) Anti-Phishing Tips

MalwareBytes for Students

MalwareBytes is an anti-virus software available to UK students to use on their personal machines. MalwareBytes can be downloaded at

Malwarebytes For Student Computers

External Tagging

External tagging immediately flags any emails that are sent from non-UK addresses as "external".

Why External Email Tagging Was Implemented