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Project Spotlight

Project SpotlightNew network upgrades provide more robust connectivity at Eastern State Hospital

As networking systems and infrastructure age, they become more susceptible to outages – which can lead to disruptions in services for entities, like hospitals, that rely on them.


RecognitionCongratulations to UK HealthCare’s Becker’s “2024 CMIO/CNIO to Know” Honorees!

We are thrilled to share that Dr. Romil Chadha and Jessica Collins have both been named to Becker’s Healthcare’s prestigious list of “58 Hospital and Health System CMIOs and CNIOs to Know | 2024.

ITS News


UK ITS 2024 annual report celebrates innovation and collaboration and improvements across the university

University of Kentucky Information Technology Services (UK ITS) is proud to highlight 2024, a year marked by transformation and collaboration. Our teams made strides in enhancing technology resources that empower our diverse communities of students, faculty, staff, patients and researchers.

UK ITS women recognize STEM trailblazers during Women’s History Month

University of Kentucky Information Technology Services (UK ITS) recognizes the groundbreaking achievements and discoveries by women in the science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) fields. We asked women at UK ITS about women in technology who inspire them.

UK ITS showcases expertise, attends top health care tech conference in Las Vegas

In early March, Simone Biles spoke at the Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) Global Health Conference. Biles, the most decorated gymnast of all time, is a staunch mental health advocate, and her discussion left a lasting impression on University of Kentucky Information Technology Services (UK ITS) team members.