Robert Lee
ITS Division: Networking & Infrastructure
Service Area: Network Operations
What services do you and your teammates provide to campus?
As part of Network Operations, we monitor and manage the enterprise network at the University of Kentucky. We strive to provide reliable 24/7 Internet services for the University community of students, faculty, and staff. Core services, in my opinion, is the essential spice used to bring accessibility for an extensive set of applications accessible via the network.
What campus units do you collaborate with?
Most units are connected to the University’s network. As a result, we collaborate with most units for installation, implementation, and incidents on a regular basis. This could be for network provisioning, assisting in the roll out of a new application, working to resolve issues, deploying security policies, or expanding infrastructure to improve services to the desktop or data center.
What are your workplace values?
I find accuracy a key ingredient for success. I value assisting and being engaged towards improving the customer experience leveraging technology. Listening to people is important to improve how we support their needs and further the mission and goals of the University.
What is your favorite part of working in ITS and UK?
I have a passion for learning and in this job there is always something new to create or explore on the horizon. It is a good feeling to be able to serve towards solving an issue for customers. As a problem-solver, we provide great value as our experience provides for a rich set of common solutions towards solving problems. We leverage our advance knowledge of networking devices and cross disciplined skill sets to benefit the community we serve.