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ITS Division: Customer Support & Student IT Enablement

Service Area: Customer Services



What services do you and your teammates provide to campus?

Our team is the first line of communication between ITS and the UK community.  We provide first tier, technical support, for technology issues.  Our team answers phone calls for the University and UKHealthCare. The team also provides after-hours paging services for patients to their doctors. I manage several technical aspects of campus software and licenses, including the UK Software Download website.

What campus units do you collaborate with?

We collaborate with almost all campus units, and the technology support representatives from the colleges we support.

What are your workplace values?

I believe everyone should learn something new every day, whether it is big, or small.  I believe that respect for your teammates and the willingness to share your knowledge helps everyone improve.

What is your favorite part of working in ITS and UK?

The Employee Education Program. The program is allowing me to obtain my second bachelor’s degree in Computer Science. I also enjoy seeing the technical viewpoints and how technology is used in the university environment through my position.