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ITS Division: Communications & Strategic Planning

Service Area: Project Management



What services do you and your teammates provide to campus?

Our area provides support to the various IT projects occurring behind the scenes. We also coordinate all ITS projects into a portfolio which provides a broad view of the ITS contributions to campus.

What campus units do you collaborate with?

Depending on the project we may work with Physical Plant on a newly renovated space or the Provost office on various software implementations. Recently, we worked with each department on campus to migrate email mailboxes to a new environment.

What are your workplace values?

No matter where we work within the UK structure, always remember the student is the center, and the reason we are here. I also believe that cooperation is a key factor in any endeavor. 

What is your favorite part of working in ITS and UK?

The community of friends I’ve made over the years, they are always available to assist when needed.