Reminder on Appropriate Use of Technology Resources at UK
UK Information Technology Services (ITS) would like to remind UK students, faculty, and staff of Administrative Regulation 10:1 (AR 10:1) regarding use of technology resources. This regulation outlines specific rules that we all must follow when using technology resources provided by or through the University, as well as external technology resources to which the University enables or facilitates access. Compliance with AR 10:1 ensures a secure environment where data is protected, and legal regulations are followed.
Important aspects of AR 10:1 include, but are not limited to:
Regulations on inappropriate use of technology resources including personal use or use of another individuals' credentials
Regulations on data confidentiality, including who may access user data and why
Regulations on who is eligible to access technology resources
Regulations on misuse and abuse of technology resources
Regulations on access and breaches
Please review the full regulation at the Policies, Recommendations, & Standards page in the Tech Help Center and all other technology policies at UK.