Wayne Campbell
ITS Division: Office of the CIO
Service Area: Infrastructure Project Management & Estimation
What services do you and your teammates provide to campus?
We manage the funds and manpower (both internal and external) to execute our customer's plans. We also act as a liaison for our customers, translating all their needs into a working project and seeing it through to the final solution. From the simplest task to the most complex requires planners, estimators, network engineers, parts specialists, technicians—and we work with all of them to meet our customer's needs.
What campus units do you collaborate with?
Everything we do is a collaborative effort. We maintain close relationships with UK Police Department (UKPD), campus Physical Plant Division (PPD), and the Medical Center Physical Plant Division (MCPPD) for a variety of information that we rely on to complete our projects. Additionally, we work with the Capitol Projects Management Division (CPMD) for new construction and facility renovations on campus and the Medical Center. Our most important collaboration though, I believe, is interdepartmental. We can’t do anything for anyone without the willing cooperation of our colleagues throughout Information Technology Services.
What are your workplace values?
My workplace values are encapsulated in an old military term, ‘accomplish the mission’. It is a simple statement that entails initiative, reliability, responsibility, having integrity and flexibility. I am not perfect, or even the best, at any of those, but I aspire to be. At all times I want to be the best at what I do. It’s a work in progress for me, always with room for improvement.
What is your favorite part of working in ITS and UK?
My favorite part of working in ITS and UK is the sense of purpose it provides. I'm able to see how what I do fits into the overall mission of the University and my team. I wouldn’t last long on an assembly line or sales position. I enjoy seeing the results of my work and knowing I made a difference. UK gives me that opportunity. I have always preferred the hands-on aspect of any kind of work, the ITS leadership has allowed me to use my full range of skills and experience as a project manager. It has been very rewarding and I’m sure it will continue to be, for as long as I am able to do the job.