Take these steps on National Clean Out Your Computer Day
We rely on computers for work, paying bills and taking on many other tasks that make our daily lives easier. For our machines to perform well and run efficiently, it’s important to organize files, update software and delete unnecessary items.
Monday is National Clean Out Your Computer Day, and University of Kentucky Information Technology Services (UK ITS) recommends taking the following steps to keep your computer running smoothly.
Back up your files. Before you begin to organize and delete files, be sure to back up your files. Use an external hard drive or back up to cloud storage.
Delete files and programs. Have programs or files you no longer need? Delete them. This frees up memory on your computer and helps it run more efficiently.
Organize your desktop. Store your stray files in folders and subfolders. Organizing your files will save you time when you’re looking for something specific.
Restart your device and update your software. Regularly restarting your computer also makes necessary and timely software updates. Software updates help keep your computer secure.
Clean out your inbox. Go through your email inbox and delete old emails. Try unsubscribing from mailing lists to reduce the number of emails you receive.
Clean your computer. Use a device cleaning cloth to wipe your screen computer’s surfaces. Use compressed air to clean out your keyboard.
Remember to follow UK ITS on social media and check out CyberSafeCats for more technology tips.